all about kabamba jasper (misspelling & misinformation)
- Root & heart chakras
- 6.5-7 hardness level
- Emotional healing
- Connection to nature
While most sources report this stone's name as "kambaba jasper", the correct spelling is actually kabamba jasper. Kabamba jasper is named after a region in Madagascar where it is found, called Kabamby. A variety of ocean jasper is also mined in this region called Kabamby ocean jasper. Though the name is similar, Kabamba jasper and Kabamby ocean jasper are different materials.
Map of Madagascar highlighting the Kabamby region, photo from Enter the Earth (source)
Is kabamba jasper a stromatolite?
Most sources online will also tell you that kabamba jasper is a stromatolite, a rare 3.5 billion year old fossil. Unfortunately, this isn't true and is based on outdated information that was spread before further testing of the material was done.
What even is a stromatolite? Stromatolites are layered sedimentary formations created from microorganisms such as bacteria. Stromatolites are interesting because they are some of the oldest fossils on earth, dating back to the Precambrian period. These fossils document some of the earliest life forms on earth and can be up to 3.5 billion years old! However, not all stromatolites are this old, and these are still being formed to this day but they are much more rare. Modern day stromatolites are only found in a couple of locations and are most prominent in Australia. Actually, the oldest fossils found of stromatolites from 3.5 billion years ago are also from Australia.
Layered stromatolite (source)
So stromatolites are really cool! Kabamba jasper looks really similar to some stromatolites, though stromatolites can vary widely in their appearance based on how the bacteria grew.
Kabamba jasper vs. stromatolite fossil
But this material was tested (source for testing) and it was found that kabamba jasper is actually a rhyolite with volcanic origin. This means that it was formed from volcanic activity, NOT from sedimentary build up. Stromatolite experts even looked at the material under a microscope and said it is not consistent with what they would expect to see from an actual stromatolite. So what’s rhyolite? Rhyolite is a type of igneous rock that is silica rich and mostly fine grained, though may have some larger crystal growths. Rhyolites are formed extrusively, meaning they crystalized above the earth’s surface. Larger crystal growths within the rock are known as phenocrysts, and show that the rock began crystallizing below the surface before it finished forming above the surface. When rocks take longer to cool and crystallize, it allows more time for larger crystals to grow.
To make matters more confusing, I found kabamba jasper being called “nebula jasper”, and many people claiming that “nebula jasper” is a different crystal entirely, formed from entirely different geologic processes! Nebula jasper seems to be found in Mexico, and kabamba jasper is from Madagascar. Visually, the only difference is that one is much darker with a few green circles, and one is lighter with much more green and the same swirly, circled pattern. With testing, it was found that these rocks are extremely similar mineralogically and both formed from volcanic processes, so they are not entirely different rocks. Many sources say that nebula jasper and kabamba jasper are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT stones formed in completely different ways, but that’s based on the outdated belief that kabamba jasper is a sedimentary stromatolite. In reality, they are the same mineralogically and formed in the same way, their colors are just a little different. Eldarite is also another common named used for this material. Kabamba jasper, nebula jasper, eldarite and crocodile jasper are ALL names for the same material, a rock formed from volcanic processes, NOT a stromatolite.
Is kabamba jasper really a jasper?
To make matters even more confusing, kabamba jasper is not a true jasper either. Kabamba stone would be a more accurate name for it. Jasper describes a type of microcrystalline quartz that is typically opaque and can come in many colors due to impurities.
Testing shows that kabamba jasper is made up of mostly quartz, aegirine, feldspar, amphibole, sometimes minerals. Varying amounts of each mineral can account for color and texture differences. When tested, “nebula jasper” also had extremely similar composition, enough to consider it the same material.
Safety & care
Kabamba jasper has a hardness of 6.5-7 out of 10 on the Moh’s scale of hardness. It wont get damaged easily by water or sunlight, and is durable enough to be worn in jewelry. Good ways to energetically cleanse kabamba jasper are with selenite, smoke cleansing, sunlight, water, dry salt, or putting in the earth. I don’t recommend salt water as a way to cleanse crystals, as it can damage them or cause them to break.
Varieties & locations
Kabamba jasper is mined mostly in Madagascar, but can be found in smaller amounts in other locations. The material known as "nebula jasper" is a trademarked name for the variety of this material found in Mexico. Mineralogically, this material is extremely similar and they are both formed from volcanic processes, so it wouldn't be correct to categorize these as entirely different materials, as many sources do.
The only difference between nebula stone and kabamba jasper is the different ratios of black to green and the location the material is found. Geologically, the material is THE SAME.
"Nebula stone" and kabamba jasper (source)
Spiritual & healing properties
Kabamba jasper is associated with the root & heart chakras and has a strong connection to nature. It helps to heal negative feelings and promotes emotional balance. It is a great stone to have when going through a difficult emotional time. Kabamba jasper increases personal strength to help you get out of feeling stuck, and to take back control of your life. Kabamba helps to ease the anxious emotions that arise during stressful times.
Kabamba jasper is great for grounding & connecting with the earth’s energy. Kabamba jasper encourages you to live in the present moment and put aside any distractions. It helps you to be more connected to the world around you, including people, nature, and experiences. Lately I’ve been trying to break my social media scrolling addiction so I can be more productive and grounded, and this is the perfect stone to help with that.
Kabamba jasper’s grounding energy helps you to feel more safe, secure and at peace. It encourages acceptance of where you are and improves patience on your journey. Kabamba jasper increases resilience and persistence which allows you to reach your goals and see more success in your life. Working with kabamba jasper may also help you realize that everything in the current moment is okay, and not as many things need to be changed as you might think.
It encourages honesty and helps you connect to other people by increasing empathy for others. It helps to protect you against your own negative thinking and fears, as well as protecting you from negativity in your environment.
Working with kabamba jasper reminds you that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be at all times, and everything is going to work out.
Crystals to pair with
Are you wondering which crystals to pair kabamba jasper with to increase its energetic properties? Here are some great crystals that pair well energetically with kabamba jasper.
- Kabamba jasper + rose quartz: increases loving energy & connection to others
- Kabamba jasper + green calcite: increases emotional healing
- Kabamba jasper + selenite: alleviates negativity
- Kabamba jasper + hematite: grounding, security, connection to earth
- Kabamba jasper + malachite: positive change & transformation
- Kabamba jasper + moss agate: connection to nature